Inspirational Motivation Success Tips

Want To Know How To Get What You Want?

How to get what you want is a top of mind question that people usually think about and so did I for a long time.

Here is the first thing I started to be aware of what I was doing wrong.

I was focusing on the things that I didn’t want, didn’t have or couldn’t have instead of focusing on what it was that I truly wanted.

This is the default system I reverted to when things didn’t turn out the way I wanted them to go. I didn’t understand that the Universe operated by certain laws.

You’ve most likely heard of the saying “where your attention goes energy flows.” In other words whatever you focus on that’s what you are going to get.

Quantum physics has proven this by what is called the observer effect, where just looking at something changes everything.

We know that everything is energy, your dreams, visions and desires. So before they became reality they were at some point just a possibility.

The way to bring them into reality is by you deciding to consciously observe what you want. Another way of saying this is, the thing/s that you want is a wave.

A wave is energy or a possibility, and focusing on what you want, literally collapses the wave of what it is that you want into a particle.

How To Get What You Want

A particle is the start of something moving from wave energy or a possibility into form or matter.

The same is also true of focusing on what it is that you don’t want, don’t have, can’t do, it’s not fair, all those thoughts that make you feel like a victim…. you get the picture.

This is what is meant by you have the power to create your own reality, and that the starting point is that your observation or what you focus on has a direct affect on your world or your reality.

I’m not saying that when those thoughts and feelings arise that you shove them down, ignore them or vent. No, those feelings are your friends. They are indicators informing you that they need to be owned and acknowledged so that they can be dissipated.

If you get triggered you need to deal with that first, as that energy is running and will do so until it’s cleared. Use any clearing tool you know that will help you release the energy of what’s coming up for you.

After it has been cleared, then focus again on what it is that you want. This is step 1 on materializing what it is that you desire to have in your life. You can see how crucial this initial step is and why not implementing it, is the #1 obstacle to getting what you want to create.

So my question is have you been focusing consciously on how to get what you want?

Are you focusing on or giving your attention to the the things that you want, or on the things that you don’t want?

I invite you to download my free audio on Transform Your Life By Healing Grief and Loss which deals with the healing power of emotions and how to release the emotions that are holding you back from healing your heart and mind.

Click Here for Download

Looking forward to your feed back…

Love and Blessings,

p.s. If you would like to know how to get what you want, we are here to assist you.

2 replies on “Want To Know How To Get What You Want?”

Brilliant post Brenda. I saw this happen today when I experienced a challenging situation but cleared my feelings about it and focused on what I wanted to manifest. The result, I created the desired result with ease. Yay!

How wonderful Andrea that you were able to manifest your desired result so fast. Awesome! It’s amazing how quickly things can get resolved when the toxic emotions are cleared. Thanks for sharing. Sending you many blessings, Brenda

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